
From the AZCDL briefing - Protection for the only ones

Whose braniac idea was it to make CCOs and SI's exempt from weapons violations? WTF? Who made them above the law?

Oh hold on - the last 3 Presidential administrations - hold a sec, 4 generations of Prez administrations (yeah, going back to Reagan) made fantastic exemptions for themselves when they knew they were committing treason a.k.a BREAKING THE LAW. So, much as shit flows downstream, so does sheer brazen idiocy, and criminality. If the guys on high can do it the shady way, why the hell not shouldn't the lower echelon of bureaucratic filth and their sponsoring stasi do the same? According to this logic, they should. In this instance, I do not tend to agree with this way of rationalization. This thing might not pass this time around, but that fact such idiocy was introduced at all is a serious statement of how far astray this system has gone. Accountability? What's that? Apparently it's only something for those who aren't within the "only one's" category.

"HB 2464, which adds Community Correctional Officers and Special Investigators to the list of law enforcement positions exempt from most weapons misconduct violations, passed in the House Public Institutions and Retirement Committee on Monday, February 18, 2008 with a 7-1-1-1-0 vote. AzCDL OPPOSES this bill because it exempts these individuals from violations regarding prohibited and defaced weapons."

Might I remind everyone of the fantastic video - where a DEA agent is earnestly trying to do a good thing... makes a big mistake, endangers lives, and manages to shoot himself in the foot.

Guess what - I do this in a class-room while teaching people about handgun safety, not only is my street-cred shot (and someone might be injured) I'm facing criminal charges because I was a negligent moron. Period. Stupid is as stupid does. Unless you are one of the "Only Ones". Who are the "Only Ones" you ask?

Click here for Codrea's thoughts and a loose definition of the "Only Ones".

Damn skippy AZCDL is opposing this blathering buffoonery.

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